About this product
Our Herb Garden Seed Kit is the best way to create an array of herbs to use in the kitchen! This kit contains everything you will need to grow basil, chives and parsley; it is the easiest way to start creating your own tiny herb garden! Our Herb Garden Seed Kits contain: * Coir Compost, seed packets and wooden plant labels * Packed inside a 100% recyclable cardboard container, simply plant and germinate your seeds with the rehydrated compost to grow your own herbs Sting in the Tail has been producing products for over 30 years. Based in the Lake District. We have always used packaging that is recycled, recyclable or with a future use. This Kit part of our Seed Kits Collection. This range is popular for personal purchase and gifts - making them perfect presents for any garden lover! The Collection includes: * Kitchen Garden Seed Kit (TKSV) *Cottage Garden Seed Kit (TKSF) Create your own seedlings with this wonderful little kit!